Thursday, January 5, 2012

The pressure is ramping up!!

I gave notice to the manager that I will be vacating my apartment at the end of January.  My last $1,000+ rent check has been written, and the die is cast to move on.  I still haven't booked my flight for my first trip to Boquete, but will do so soon.

I tell people that I am going to Boquete to explore that area as a place to live under a permanent retirement visa from Panama.  If I don't like it, I can come back to the U.S. and live in government subsidized housing, so I have nothing to lose by looking at the option of living as an expatriate in a beautiful area.  The cost of living for a modest lifestyle with good options for public transportation is something that does not exist here in Northern California, and the idea of living somewhere where I can be comfortable without heat or air conditioning is a big plus.  

There is really a lot for me to do to prepare for this major life change, and I am very busy every day. There is a lot of adrenalin running in me these days, but it is a good feeling.  I'm doing what I expect will utterly change my lifestyle from just making it through each day to looking forward to every dawn.  

The idea of using this blog to document my journey is helping me sit back and think about everything associated with my exploration and move.  I won't be writing much until I head for Panama, because by then almost all of possessions will have been sold or given away or donated, and I will literally be homeless as I seek a new environment to call home.  

I go into this period of my life with great joy, hope and anticipation - it's an exciting adventure that offers the possibility of a vibrant, but simple  lifestyle.  Everyone I tell about it, especially when I elaborate on the details of the Boquete area and the wonderful online community at the forums of, tells me it sounds great - with no air or feeling condescension.  I already feel like I have friends in Boquete.

Now it's back to cleaning out drawers and emptying shelves of stuff I've moved around with me for far to many years. 

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